Privacy Policy

    • Welcome to ATTORNEA’s (“ATTORNEA (PVT.) LTD.”) privacy policy (the “Policy”)
    • ATTORNEA is an online platform that, inter alia, suggests and connects people who are in need of legal services to lawyers / advocates for purposes including but not limited to: (i) seeking professional legal advice; (ii) engaging a lawyer / advocate to institute and file suits / applications / complaints / constitutional petitions / arbitration proceedings or any other legal proceedings, before a court of competent jurisdiction and / or competent tribunal / forum or statutory / administrative body on their behalf; and / or (iii) appearing, representing or defending them before any court, forum, tribunal, administrative or statutory body (the “Legal Services”). The platform is owned, organized and operated by ATTORNEA (PVT.) LTD.
    • his Policy has been issued by ATTORNEA (PVT.) LTD., its subsidiaries and its affiliates, (together “we”, “us” and “our”) and is addressed to individuals outside our organization with whom we interact, in connection with our ATTORNEA App that may be accessible or available via multiple websites, devices, platforms and other means, whether owned and / or operated by us or by third parties, including, without limitation, the webpage(s) (the “App”) as well as individuals who are users of our App(s) (together, “you”). For the purposes of this Policy, ATTORNEA (PVT.) LTD. is the controller of the App.
    • This Policy contains details on issues related to your privacy when using the App. It is intended to inform you of our policies, procedures and practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of any information that you provide through the App.
    • The Policy is part of our User Agreement. Any terms not expressly defined in this Policy have the same meaning as in our User Agreement. By using our App, you confirm that you have read the User Agreement and this Policy and that you understand, agree and acknowledge to all the terms contained therein. If you do not agree to be bound to the User Agreement or this Policy, you may not access or use the App.
    • It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us.
    • Our App may use third party advertising, plugins, links, applications and / or content. If you choose to interact with any such advertising, plugins or content, your information may be shared with the relevant third-party provider. We have no control over such third parties and are not responsible for their content or their handling of information. Since this Policy does not apply to such third parties, we recommend that you review that third party’s privacy policy before interacting with its advertising, plugins or content.
    • We use different methods to collect data from and about you through:
    • Data you provide: We may collect your personal data that you provide to us (e.g. where you contact us via email or telephone, or by any other means, or when you provide us with information through interviews, discussions, meetings or focus groups, or provide your input, or you create your profile);
    • Relationship data: We may collect or obtain your personal data in the ordinary course of our relationship with you;
    • Data you make public: We may collect or obtain your personal data that you manifestly choose to make public, including via social media (e.g. we may collect information from your social media profile(s), if you make a public post about us);
    • App / Site data: We may collect or obtain your personal data when you download / use our App or use any features or resources (including, but not limited to, documents, forms and templates) available on or through our App;
    • Subscription Details: We collect the information provided by you when you use, or register to use our App;
    • Surveys: We collect the information that you provide to us on any survey, form or questionnaire that we may require you to answer;
    • Technical Support Requests: We collect information (such as an email address, description of the issue) that you provide to us when you need technical support related to App.
    • Content and advertising information: If you choose to interact with any third party content or advertising on a website or in an application, we may receive personal data about you from the relevant third party;
    • Third party information: We may collect or obtain your information from third parties who provide it to us (e.g. law enforcement authorities etc.).
    • We may also create personal data about you, such as records of your interactions with us.
    • We collect and process the following information:
    • Personal and Demographic information: This includes information such as your name, photograph(s), gender, date of birth, age, nationality, salutation, title, language preferences;
    • Contact Details: This includes your phone number(s), email address(es), correspondence address(es), details of your social media profile(s) if applicable;
    • Consent Records: This includes records of any consents you may have given, together with the date and time, means of consent and any related information(e.g. the subject matter of the consent);
    • Payment details: This includes invoice records, payment records, billing address details, payment method preferences, bank account or credit/debit card numbers, cardholder or accountholder name(s), card/account security details, card ‘valid from’ date and card expiry date, BACS details, SWIFT details, IBAN details, payment amount(s), payment dates, and records of cheques etc. Essentially all details necessary to process payments and maintain preferences are included;
    • Device information: This includes information about the computer, mobile device, or any other device used to access our App, such as IP addresses, unique device identifiers, browser type, operating system, browser language, browser settings, dates and times of connection, usage statistics, settings, location data, technical communication information, and other preferences automatically collected;
    • Location Data: We also use GPS technology, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections to determine your current location. Some of our location-enabled services require your personal data for the feature to work. If you wish to use the particular feature, you will be asked to consent to your data being used for this purpose.
    • Data related to websites and applications: This includes information such as username, password, security login details, usage data, aggregate statistical information, searches, site activity information;
    • Content and Advertising Data: This includes records of your interactions with our online advertising content, records of advertisements and content displayed on pages or application screens displayed to you, and any interaction you may have had with such content or advertising (including mouse hover, mouse clicks, any forms you complete (including forms not submitted) and any touch screen interactions);
    • Opinions, star ratings, reviews, searches and comments: This includes any views and opinions that you express or choose to send to us, or publicly post about us on any platform including social media platforms, or express in comments, or through star ratings, searches, or reviews on our website(s) and applications;
    • Additional Information: We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity. We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response.
  5. Cookies
    • We use cookies to understand, operate, and generate our content and tailor your user experience according to your preferences.
    • Please note that we may have additional privacy terms for lawyers and advocates who are providing Legal Services through this App.
    • Where we need to collect personal data by law, or in connection to the Legal Services, and you fail to provide that data when requested, the Legal Services may not be performed or be accessible. In this case, your usage of the App will be interrupted / cancelled.
    • We may use or process your information based on having your prior, express consent to do so; or where it is necessary in connection with any contract that you may enter into with us or with an independent service provider offering Legal Services through our App; or where it is required by the applicable law; or if it is necessary to protect the vital interests of any individual; or where we have a legitimate interest in carrying out such processing for the purpose of managing, operating or promoting our business.
    • We use the information we have (subject to choices you make) for the following purposes:
    • Our App: enabling you to access our App; operating, providing, updating, generating, distributing, marketing, and customizing our content; displaying advertising and other information to you; communicating and interacting with you; notifying you of changes; improving your user experience;
    • Enabling access to or provision of Legal Services: connecting people in need of Legal purpose;
    • Communication: communicating with you via any media (including telephone, email, text message, social media post(s), or in person etc.) to make available to you news items and other information in which you may be interested, to maintain and update your contact information, and to troubleshoot any issues or problems you may be having;
    • Systems & Security: management of our communications systems; operation of IT security systems; IT security and system audits; health and safety assessments; record keeping; compliance with regulatory requirements; physical security of premises (records of visitor logs etc.), and electronic security (login records etc.);
    • Surveys: engaging with you for the purposes of obtaining your views on our content / services or other matters, on the products and services of third parties;
    • Legal: complying with our legal and regulatory obligations under applicable law, pursuing or defending our legal rights; compliance with policies (including detecting, investigating and preventing potential breaches); protecting the rights, property, and safety of ATTORNEA (PVT.) LTD., our users or the public; investigating, detecting, preventing and reporting any address fraud, illegality, security or technical issues or criminal offences in accordance with applicable law;
    • Research
    • You may access your personal and demographic information, contact details, consent records, payment details, views, opinions and comments in order to view, update and/or correct it except when your account has been reported by anyone and/or deactivated by us for a potential breach of our policies, terms and guidelines. We may require identification from you before releasing the requested information.
    • We may disclose your information to other entities within the ATTORNEA (PVT.) LTD. group, for legitimate business purposes.
    • We may disclose your personal data to third parties such as:
    • Legal and regulatory authorities either upon their request, or for the purposes of reporting any actual or suspected breach of law/regulation;
    • Our accountants, auditors, lawyers or other outside professional advisors (subject to binding confidentiality obligations);
    • Third party processors (such as payment services providers, shipping companies, website developers and maintenance providers, IT support, database service providers) for the purposes of providing services to us subject to confidentiality obligations;
    • Any relevant parties, law enforcement agencies or courts / tribunals or other such forums to the extent necessary for the pursuit or defence of our legal rights; or for the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, or preventing threats to public security;
    • Prospective buyer(s), purchaser(s), or acquirer(s), as part of any valuation or acquisition of the platform and subject to confidentiality obligations. Further, in the event, we transfer the control of all or parts of the website(s), application(s), or service(s), to any person/entity, then the information provided by you, to the extent that it is relevant to any part of our business so transferred, will be transferred along with that part.
    Please note that if you create an account with us through a pre-existing social media user profile (such as Facebook, or other social media sites), your information will be subject to our Policy.
    • The processing of your information may include automated decision making, or algorithms which are carried out in order to display personalized and preferential content to you. For instance, we may use your geographical origin information in order to display content relevant to that geographic area.
    • We store your information in a manner that reasonably protects it from misuse, loss, unlawful or accidental destruction, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. However, as the internet is an open system, the transmission of information via the internet can never be completely secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to us using the internet. Any such transmission is at your risk and you are responsible for ensuring any information you send to us is sent in a secure manner.
    • You are responsible for maintaining the security of any password, user ID or any other form of authentication involved for using the App.
    • The right to access, update or delete the information We have on You. Whenever made possible, you can access, update or request deletion of Your Personal Data directly within Your account settings section. If you are unable to perform these actions yourself, please contact Us on to assist You. This also enables You to receive a copy of the Personal Data We hold about You.
    • We reserve the right to retain copies of your information for as long as we maintain an ongoing relationship with you, or you remain subscribed to our mailing list or for any other purposes arising out of or in connection with our services. Further, we may also retain any information that is required to be preserved or retained under the applicable law for the prescribed minimum periods. Similarly, if any relevant legal claims are brought and/or are pending, we may continue to process/retain your information for such additional periods as are necessary in connection with them.
    • The right to access, update or delete the information We have on You. Whenever made possible, you can access, update or request deletion of Your Personal Data directly within Your account settings section. If you are unable to perform these actions yourself, please contact Us on to assist You. This also enables You to receive a copy of the Personal Data We hold about You.
    • We reserve the right to retain copies of your information for as long as we maintain an ongoing relationship with you, or you remain subscribed to our mailing list or for any other purposes arising out of or in connection with our services. Further, we may also retain any information that is required to be preserved or retained under the applicable law for the prescribed minimum periods. Similarly, if any relevant legal claims are brought and/or are pending, we may continue to process/retain your information for such additional periods as are necessary in connection with them.
  14. The Company undertakes to respect the confidentiality of Your Personal Data and to guarantee You can exercise Your rights. You have the right under this Privacy Policy, and by law if You are within the EU, to:

    • Object to processing of Your Personal Data. This right exists where We are relying on a legitimate interest as the legal basis for Our processing and there is something about Your particular situation, which makes You want to object to our processing of Your Personal Data on this ground. You also have the right to object where We are processing Your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.
    • Request erasure of Your Personal Data. You have the right to ask Us to delete or remove Personal Data when there is no good reason for Us to continue processing it. You can contact or go to your Account Settings to delete your account and personal data.
    • Request the transfer of Your Personal Data. We will provide to You, or to a third-party You have chosen, Your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. Please note that this right only applies to automated information which You initially provided consent for Us to use or where We used the information to perform a contract with You.
    • Withdraw Your consent. You have the right to withdraw Your consent on using your Personal Data. If You withdraw Your consent, We may not be able to provide You with access to certain specific functionalities of the Service.
    • By using our content or creating an account, you consent to the collection and use of your information in accordance with this Policy.
    • This Policy may be amended or updated from time to time to reflect changes in our practices with respect to the processing of personal date, or changes in applicable law. Therefore, we encourage you to read this Policy carefully, and to regularly check this page to review any changes we might make.

If you have any queries or complaints about our Policy please contact us at